Neurological examination

A neurological examination checks the state of the nervous system. It can be done with the help of instruments such as light, reflex sticks, and vibrating fork, and is usually painless. The scope of the examination depends on many factors, including the patient's medical conditions, symptoms, age, and general state. The examination aims to determine the location and cause of the disorder or disease of the nervous system.
During the conversation, we gather all the information about the patient's complaints. Then we inquire about his bodily functions, followed by examining speech, walking, balance, coordination, brain nerve function, muscle strength, reflexes, sensation, sphincter functions, etc. The doctor will also examine the patient's general condition, depending on the leading symptoms.
The patient is referred for further tests or prescribed therapy depending on the examination result.
Consider booking an appointment if you experience any of these symptoms:
- headache
- vertigo
- balance disorder
- forgetfulness
- concentration disorders
- loss of consciousness
- chronic fatigue
- sleep disturbances
- spinal pain
- tingling in hands and feet
- muscle cramps, muscle weakness
- difficulty walking
- impeded speech
- problems with vision
- tinnitus
- involuntary movements
- bladder or bowel incontinence
No special preparation is required for the examination. We recommend bringing all previous relevant medical documentation with you.
In case of sudden onset of neurological symptoms, please call the Emergency Medical Service on the phone number 112 or 194 at once.
For a complete pricelist and list of services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Reach out with confidence
Send an inquiry, schedule a check-up, counselling or a treatment. We will get back to you as soon as possible.