Electromyoneurography (EMNG)

A neurological diagnostic procedure by which we assess the extent of injuries to the peripheral nervous system and muscles.
EMNG is a necessary test to determine the cause of the problems which may be the result of various changes in the peripheral nerves, at the junction of the peripheral nerve and the muscle, or in the muscle itself. EMNG test examines and registers their electric activity.
It is most commonly used to examine symptoms such as pain, tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness in specific areas of the arms or legs. The examination takes less than an hour, and the results are immediately available.
The test results give the doctor specific information about the extent of the nerve or muscle injury. In addition, the examination can determine the exact location of the injury and thus help in its treatment.
Electromyoneurography consists of two parts - neurography and myography. Neurography examines the conduction speed of motor and sensory nerves and the quality of the responses obtained. Surface electrodes and variable strength current are used, and the examination is not particularly unpleasant.
Myography examines the primary disease of the muscles with a sterile needle electrode, which may cause minor discomfort, but the method reliably reveals the real state of the muscles.
Avoid using lotions, oils, or creams before the test.
Inform your doctor if you have a blood clotting disorder or are taking anticoagulant therapy (medicines against blood clotting).
For a complete pricelist and list of services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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